[Syrupmakers] White sediment in sugar cane syrup

Stacey Freeman staceyf at nctv.com
Sun Apr 3 21:05:30 CDT 2016


We took over cooking sugar cane syrup from my Granddaddy Jim Boyett (Stillmore, Ga) about 40 years ago.  Over the last 10 years or so we have had some of the same problems.  Some years seem to be worse than others.  We are very careful with straining, skimming, and bottling and it does not seem to make much difference.  Different bottles in the same boiling can be clear of it and others will have it in it.

We did start having this when we started grinding the cane much closer than Granddaddy ever allowed us too...he was always concerned about busting the rollers.

Take care,
Stacey Freeman 
Freeman's Mill 
Statesboro, Georgia 

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Tablet

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